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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Shaping a New Level of Bus Service under a Novel Concept of Bus Interaction: A Meta-Review

DOI: 10.4236/jtts.2023.132009, PP. 173-207

Keywords: Bus Service, Bus Interaction, Human Demand, Sustainable Bus System, Traffic Condition

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Public transport services, particularly bus services, play an important role in a sustainable transportation system. However, despite various efforts, bus ridership has decreased. The appearance of shared and on-demand vehicle services is one of the main reasons for this issue. In addition, bus tourism services have been successfully developed to meet the exigent needs of tourists. Therefore, a new level of daily bus service is necessary to adapt to the changing demands of customers. Bus interaction (BI) plays an important role in bus services. Nevertheless, the conventional concept of BI mainly refers to users, physical interaction, and safety, but it does not address non-users, non-physical interactions, service quality, and other aspects. This study aims to elaborate on a new concept of bus services. Based on this, we developed a theoretical framework for BI. A meta-analysis was then conducted to identify the achievements and untouched aspects. The results of this study provide three main contributions. First, an unprecedented novel concept of BI is defined, including 13 types of interactions. Second, a comprehensive theoretical framework of BI is established based on the relationships between eight sustainable bus system sub-aspects and 13 BI types. Third, based on the theoretical framework and findings of the reviewed studies, a common finding comprehensive framework of BI is completed, which is accompanied by 1) key findings of the 13 BI types, 2) conclusions of traffic conditions affecting BI research, 3) BI research gaps, and 4)


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