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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Drought in the North-Eastern Coastal Region of Vietnam Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

DOI: 10.4236/acs.2023.132011, PP. 175-200

Keywords: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Drought, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Drought Characteristics

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Spatio-temporal analysis of drought provides valuable information for drought management and damage mitigation. In this study, the Standardized Precipitation Index at the time scale of 6 months (SPI-6) is selected to reflect drought conditions in the North-Eastern coastal region of Vietnam. The drought events and their characteristics from 1981 to 2019 are detected at 9 meteorological stations and 10 Chirps rainfall stations. The spatio-temporal variation of drought in the study region is analyzed on the basis of the number, duration, severity, intensity, and peak of the detected drought events at the 19 stations. The results show that from 1981 to 2019 the drought events mainly occurred with 1-season duration and moderate intensity and peak. The number, duration, severity, and peak of the drought events were the greatest in the period 2001-2010 and were the smallest in the period 2011-2019. Among the 19 stations, the drought duration tends to decrease at 11 stations, increase at 7 stations, and has a slight variant at 1 station; the drought severity tends to decrease at 14 stations, increase at 4 stations, and has not a significant trend at 1 station; the drought intensity tends to decrease at 17 stations, increase at 1 station, and has a slight variant at 1 station; and the drought peak tends to decrease at 18 stations and increase at 1 station.


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