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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Intra-Articular Distal Radius Fracture with Lunate Fossa Rotated and Associated Lesions: Radiologic Analysis

DOI: 10.4236/ojo.2023.134013, PP. 123-130

Keywords: Articular Fracture, Lunate Facet, Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint, Wrist, Radiograph, CT-Scan

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Introduction: Intra-articular distal radial fractures in young patients occur in high energy trauma which can lead to a combination of bone and ligaments lesions. An articular step superior to 2 mm is pejorative, for that an adequate radiologic analysis is necessary accessing to the best surgical treatment. The purpose of our study was to investigate this type of fracture and expose radiologic analysis (radiograph and CT-scan) of bone and ligamentous associated lesions of this specific twisted lunate facet fracture for recognizing it and accessing to the best surgical treatment. Patients and Methods: Seven patients with severely displaced type 4 articular fractures of the distal radius whose wrists had been exposed to violent compression are reported in our series, they are required open treatment for the reduction and fixation of disrupted articular surfaces by using an antero-medial approach which allows direct access to the fragment of the lunate facet and easier visualization of the distal radio-ulnar joint. Results: All the patients were clinically examined with antero-posterior and lateral X ray, completed by a CT scan, all the fractures were type IV according to Melone classification. In all of our seven cases there was a lesion of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) identified in the CT scan. The CT scan allowed us to individualize well the void of the lunate fossa and calculate his exact degree of rotation, which is very important for planning therapeutic management. Discussion: In all of our cases the CT scan was to expose all of the osseous and ligamentous injuries; in the sagittal reconstruction we were able to objectify and calculate the exact degree of the rotation of the lunate fossa fragment; in the frontal reconstruction the void of the lunate fossa is visible and in the axial reconstruction we can determine the incongruence of the distal radio-ulnar joint (DRUJ). Intra-articular involvement has long been recognized as a poor prognostic factor in fractures of the distal radius. However, despite early studies reporting poor results with non operative treatment for these injuries, most authors opposed operative intervention, due to lack of a good radiological analysis and the CT scan; knowledge that a number of studies have shown that inadequate reduction of intra-articular distal radius fractures leads to the development of arthritis.


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