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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Change Characteristics of Soil Nutrients in Plantations with Different Planting Years

DOI: 10.12677/HJSS.2023.112011, PP. 88-94

Keywords: 人工林,森林更新,土壤养分特性,有机质
, Forest Regeneration, Soil Nutrient Properties, Organic Matter

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Until now little is known about impact of plantation on the soil nutrient characteristics. Nutrient properties of soil in plantations with different growing ages have been analyzed in this study. The results indicated that afforestation had a profound effect on coarse soil particles. The sand grain content in near-mature forest and mature forest increased abruptly, compared to young and mid-dle-aged forests. Artificial afforestation increased soil acidity and there is a general increase in soil exchangeable acid with growing plantation ages. Soil exchangeable in near-mature forest and mature forest is higher than that in young and middle-aged forests. Soil exchangeable acid in near-mature forest increased by 32.14% and 19.35% compared to young and middle-aged forests and that in mature forest increased by 46.42% and 59.00%. Soil organic matter content first in-creases and then decreases with growing plantation ages, which is consistent with change of soil total N content. There is no obvious change trend in total P content. Soil total K content first de-creases and then increases with growing plantation ages.


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