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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Carbon Storage and Environmental Determinants in a Tropical Rainforest Landscape

DOI: 10.4236/oje.2023.134014, PP. 229-240

Keywords: Climate Change, Conservation, Degradation, Land Use Change, Tropical Ecosystem

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Tropical ecosystems sequester vast amounts of carbon but remain much varied across different landscapes. In order to provide estimates on carbon storage for the ecosystem and show the role of forest structure and environmental factors in determining aboveground and soil carbon of a rainforest landscape, forest inventory was conducted across 30 forest plots. Each of the plots measured 50 m × 50 m and was used to identify and measure tree species ≥ 10 cm diameter at breast height (DBH measured at 130cm). Soil samples were collected for up to 30 cm deep at the four edges and then the middle of each plot, bulked for analysis and tested in the laboratory. Aboveground carbon estimates ranged from 8.18 - 91.29 t/ha across the ecosystem and were similar with carbon storage in tropical landscapes. With variations in stem density, basal area and structure across the region, much of the carbon capacity across the ecosystem was much varied (F (29, 2127) = 3.794, p = 0.000). Environmental variables (mainly edaphic variables) were not positively correlated with soil carbon and did not largely determine its storage and variation. The need to reduce disturbances (which are a main driver of disparity in biomass carbon storage) across the region and across tropical ecosystems was advocated as a pathway to enhancing higher carbon sequestration.


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