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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Patient Experience at Endoscopy Centers in Three West African Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic

DOI: 10.4236/ojgas.2023.134017, PP. 161-169

Keywords: Endoscopy, COVID-19, Patients, Exposure, Symptoms

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Corona virus infection and the risk of contagiousness to medical personnel or patients during endoscopy necessitated further measures in the endoscopy rooms. The objective of this study was to assess the experience of patients in endoscopy rooms during the COVID-19 epidemic in West Africa. Patients and Methods: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study that took place over a period of 3 months (June to August 2020) in endoscopy centers in Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger. An online questionnaire was sent to patients who had performed upper digestive endoscopies, in 8 digestive endoscopy centers including private, public and religious structures. Depending on the choice of patients, questionnaires were either sent electronically or completed in the endoscopy room with the help of field investigators. The choice of centers was random from the list of centers and descriptive analyses were carried out. Results: A total of 294 patients responded to the online questionnaire. There were 37 lower and 257 upper gastrointestinal endoscopies. The female sex represented 52.1%. The wait times for obtaining an endoscopy appointment were considered satisfactory by 281 patients 95.6%. In the endoscopy departments, 112 patients, or 38.1%, were questioned about the risk factors for contamination of SARS-CoV-2. Among the risk factors found, 6 patients (2.0%) would have traveled abroad in the 2 weeks preceding the examination, 4 patients 1.4% had already been in contact with a subject at risk. The most frequent symptoms were chest pain (80 cases; 27.2%), flu-like syndrome (29 cases; 9.9%), cough (40 cases; 13.6%), fever (46 cases; 15.6%). In contrast, ageusia (7 cases; 2.4%) and anosmia (5 cases; 1.7%) were only found in very few patients. Twenty-two patients (7.5%) felt highly exposed to COVID-19 during the endoscopy examination and 144 patients (48.9%) rated the examination as satisfactory. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal symptoms initially described as rare are being reported with increasing frequency in studies and may motivate the request for endoscopy examinations. However, the risk associated with infection with SARS-CoV-2 does not seem to have been sufficiently taken into account in endoscopy centers in the 3 countries.


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