light of Sri Lankans’ widespread usage of mobile phones and other mobile
devices, the objective of the aforementioned research, which was conducted by the author, is to analyse users’ acceptance of
Quick Response (QR) code mobile-driven payment systems. Using the UTAUT2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology 2) model, the current study was developed. This study creates a conceptual
model to identify the key elements affecting user
intention, perceived satisfaction, and recommendation to utilize QR code
payments as a platform for payments when shopping and using services in retail.
484 results from an online survey conducted in Sri Lanka were used in the study
model. The study looked at how innovativeness, use stress, and social influence affected how satisfied users felt
and whether they would promote QR Code payment methods to others. The
study found that ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude all had a
substantial impact on users’ intentions to use QR Code payment methods, which
in turn affected users’ perceptions of their pleasure with the technology and
recommendations to use the technology. The study also found a strong moderating
impact of social influence and use stress on
users’ perceptions of satisfaction and recommendations for QR Code
payment methods. It was evident that, in the Sri Lankan context, perceived risk
and innovation had a negative effect on the intention to adopt QR code payment
methods. Also, the entire study focuses on consumers’ acceptability of using QR
Code payment platforms in Sri Lanka, and academics might conduct further research into the topic of Sri Lankan merchants.
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