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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Biological Functions and Potential Clinical Applications of LncRNAs in Cutaneous Melanoma

DOI: 10.12677/WJCR.2023.132013, PP. 85-96

Keywords: lncRNA,黑色素瘤,生物标志物,靶向治疗
, Melanoma, Biomarkers, Targeted Therapy

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皮肤黑色素瘤是具有侵袭性的一种皮肤癌,其发病率逐年越来越高。尽管免疫疗法和靶向药物取得了成功,但大多数患者在治疗后出现疾病复发并死于疾病。非编码RNA (ncRNAs)已成为细胞信号传导和相关人类疾病的重要调节因子,长链非编码RNA (lncRNAs)是一类新的ncRNA,参与了细胞生长、侵袭和其他重要细胞功能的(表观遗传)调控。随着对lncRNAs认识的加深,研究发现其在包括黑色素瘤在内的多种癌症疾病中有特征性的表达方式,与肿瘤的生长和进展有关,更多的努力被用于分析所使用的潜在分子机制。我们广泛查阅国内外有关LncRNAs在皮肤黑色素瘤中相关的生物学功能研究文献,并进行总结讨论其潜在临床应用意义,这为皮肤黑色素瘤新的治疗方法和靶向RNA药物提供了新的理论基础。
Cutaneous melanoma is an aggressive type of skin cancer, and its incidence is increasing year by year. Despite the success of immunotherapy and targeted drugs, a significant number of patients relapse and die. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) have become important regulators of cell signaling and disease, and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a new class of ncRNAs involved in the regulation of cell growth, invasion and other important cellular functions. With the understanding of lncRNAs, research has found that they are expressed in characteristic ways in a variety of cancer diseases, including melanoma, and are associated with tumor growth and progression. We have extensively reviewed the domestic and foreign literature on the biological function of LncRNAs in cutaneous melanoma, and summarized and discussed their potential clinical application significance, which provides a new theoretical basis for new treatments and targeted RNA drugs for cutaneous melanoma.


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