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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on Object Narrative of “Cigarette” in Hsu Yu’s Ghost Love

DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2023.112029, PP. 166-171

Keywords: 《鬼恋》,香烟,礼物交换,物叙事,政治象征
Ghost Love
, Cigarette, Gift Exchange, Object Narrative, Political Symbol

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Starting with the comparison between different versions of Hsu Yu’s Ghost Yu, this paper finds that the author intentionally modified the cigarette brand in the novel, and added cigarettes as a “gift” plot design in the novel. Taking this as the approach, this paper takes the specific presenta-tion way of “cigarette” in “Ghost Love” officially published in 1938 as the clue to carry out the aesthetic analysis of “cigarette” as “gift” and “thing” in the narrative. Secondly, focusing on the Egyptian cigarette Era invented by Hsu Yu, especially the two cigarette characteristics of “Era” and “Egypt”, and connecting with the historical destinies of modern Egypt and China, the author analyzes how to combine fashionable cigarettes with the anti-imperialist struggle and dig deeply into the romantic imagination and national symbolic significance carried by “cigarettes”.


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