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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Atomic Structure of the Pt Surface after Bombardment with Ar+ Ions (E ~ 30 keV)

DOI: 10.4236/ampc.2023.135006, PP. 77-84

Keywords: Surface, radiation Defects, Field Ion Microscopy

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The results of the modification of the atomic structure of the Pt surface after bombardment by accelerated beams of Ar+ ions are presented. Field ion microscopy was used to study the irradiated surface on an atomic scale. From the analysis of the ion contrast of the atomically clean surface of platinum after bombardment with Ar+, a large number of radiation defects of various types were found. Individual vacancies, interstitial atoms, Frenkel pairs, depleted zones, nanoclusters of displaced atoms, etc. have been registered. It has been established that the depth of the near-surface volume of the irradiated metal with defects (except for zero-dimensional defects) is 1?- 1.5 nm for the bombardment regime: F = 1016 ion/cm2 and E = 30 keV.


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