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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge of the Management of Pre-Eclampsia in a Hospital Setting: The Case of the Van Norman Clinic. Bujumbura-Burundi

DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2023.135020, PP. 294-313

Keywords: Pre-Eclampsia, Eclampsia, Nursing Theories, Nurse, Management, Hypertension, Nursing

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Background: Pre-eclampsia is one of the pathologies of pregnancy that causes serious maternal and fetal complications. Good nursing management of pre-eclampsia could stabilize and limit possible maternal and fetal complication. Aim: This study aims to assess nurses’ knowledge of the management of pre-eclampsia. This is a descriptive prospective study conducted at the Van Norman Clinic over three-month period from November 1st, 2020 to January 31st, 2021 to assess the knowledge of nurses assigned to the Patient reception service, Emergency service, Gynecological-Obstetrics service and Community Medicine department on the management of pre-eclampsia. Data were treated using Microsoft Word and analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Scientists version 16 (SPSS). During the period of our study, we collected 40 nurses out of 44 nurses, which represents 90.9% (n = 40) of the nurses assigned to the Patient reception service, Emergency service, Gynecological-Obstetrics service and Community Medicine department. Among the 40 cases collected, 30% respondents did not give the true definition of pre-eclampsia. Our study also showed that 70% of nurses had not been trained on the management of pre-eclampsia and 90% had not used nursing theories in their practice while the Inquiry-Based Practice (IBP) and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) applications were known in 7.5% of cases. With regard to the nursing management of pre-eclampsia, 62.5% of cases knew the first gestures of management while 90% of cases did not know the overall nursing management of pre-eclampsia. Last of continuing education, use of nursing theories and lack of resuscitation were the main obstacles observed in the nursing management of pre-eclampsia. For better nursing management of pre-eclampsia, emphasis should be placed on building staff capacity and executing the care plan by applying nursing theories.


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