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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Hearing Assessment among Sudanese Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients versus Non-Rheumatoid Arthritis Individuals

DOI: 10.4236/ijohns.2023.123020, PP. 187-196

Keywords: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Conductive Hearing Loss, PTA, Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex

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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease is one of the most common chronic autoimmune diseases that affect many body systems including the auditory system. Objectives: To assess hearing thresholds and to ascertain types of hearing loss among Sudanese rheumatoid arthritis patients attending rheumatology clinic in Omdurman military hospital and matching them with non-rheumatoid arthritis subjects. Methodology: This descriptive and analytic (comparative) hospital based cross sectional study conducted from October 2020 to April 2021 which include 66 RA patients with age range (21 - 60 years) matched with 41 non-rheumatoid arthritis group sharing same characteristics (nation, gender and age). Pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and acoustic reflexes were done for all RA patients and matched groups. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the association and correlation tests for associations and t-test for independent samples. Results: Thirty-six (54.5%) of RA patients had hearing impairment versus 9 (22%) non-RA in PTA test. Twenty-four RA cases (36.3%) showed asymmetrical hearing threshold and graph in PTA between right and left ears. Thirty-four (51.5%) right and 36 (54.5%) left ears were normal degree followed by 23 (34.8%) in the right and 24 (36.4%) in the left ears were mild degree hearing loss. Among hearing impaired RA patients; 20 right ears (62.5%) and 19 left ears (65.5%) had sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), conductive hearing loss 11 (34.4%) right ears and 9 (31%) left ears. Mixed HL was in 1 right ear (3.1%) and 1 left ear (3.5%). The most common degree of SNHL type was mild in (75%) and (78.9%) in right and left ears respectively, moderate and moderate severe were (20%) in the right and (15.7%) in the left ears. Fifty-eight right ears (87.9%) and 56 left ears (84.8%) had type A tympanogram while 7 (10.6%) right ears and 9 left ears (13.6%) were type As tympanogram, one right and one left ears had type Ad tympanogram. Acoustic reflex was impaired in 17 right ears and 17 left ears (25.8% for both). There were significant statistical differences in most of the specific frequency means between the study group and non-rheumatoid group in the right and left ears p-value < 0.05). Tympanometry and acoustic reflex measures were also different in right and left ears between the two study groups. Association between hearing threshold and disease activity degrees among study RA group was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Also there was no significant


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