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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Comprehensive Review of Experience with the Application of the Mechanical Threshold Stress Model

DOI: 10.4236/msa.2023.145019, PP. 299-323

Keywords: Mechanical Threshold Stress, Constitutive Behavior, Deformation Kinetics, Strain Hardening, Internal State Variable

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Accurate prediction of stress-strain behavior of metals as a function of arbitrary temperature and strain rate paths has remained a challenge. The Mechanical Threshold Stress constitutive model is one formalism that has emerged following several decades of research. Vast experience has accumulated with the application of the Mechanical Threshold Stress model over a wide variety of pure metals and alloys. Out of this has arisen common trends across metal systems. The magnitude of activation energies presents one example of this, where these variables consistently increase in magnitude as the obstacle to dislocation motion transitions from short range to long range. Trends in strain hardening are also observed. In Face-Centered Cubic metals the magnitude of strain hardening scales with the stacking fault energy; trends in Body-Centered Cubic metals are less clear. Model parameters derived for over twenty metals and alloys are tabulated. Common trends should guide future application of the MTS model and further model development.


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