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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Recovery Status and Livestock Use of a Kenyan Montane Forest a Decade after Cessation of Human Encroachment

DOI: 10.4236/oje.2023.135019, PP. 291-319

Keywords: Disturbance, Forest Recovery, Livestock, Mau Forest, Forest Grazing, Forest Structure and Composition

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Montane forest ecosystems support biodiversity and provide varied ecosystem services to adjacent and downstream human communities. However, human-induced disturbances are common in many of these ecosystems, threatening their capacity to sustain their functions. This study assessed the status of woody vegetation and livestock use of a Kenyan montane forest 10 years after government-sanctioned cessation of human encroachment. The findings can inform suitable interventions that support recovery of abandoned forest settlements subjected to continuous anthropogenic disturbances. Selected woody vegetation attributes and livestock disturbance indicators were assessed across three human-driven disturbance regimes (light, moderate and heavy) using stratified-systematic sampling technique. Data on the extent of community dependence on forest grazing were collected from 381 randomly selected forest adjacent households using semi-structured questionnaires. Information on the palatability of plants to livestock was obtained from Focus Group Discussions. Vegetation data were analyzed using linear mixed models, while descriptive analysis was applied on household survey data. A total of 33 woody plant species belonging to 22 families were identified, out of which 55% were perceived to be unpalatable to livestock. Species richness, species diversity, stem density and basal areas declined significantly with increasing levels of disturbance. Specifically, these attributes were 59% - 98% lower in heavily disturbed sites than in moderately and lightly disturbed sites. A vast majority (88%) of the sampled households grazed their livestock in the forest throughout the year. Evidence from this study indicates that intense past and ongoing anthropogenic disturbances caused significant negative effects on the forest vegetation condition, and lowered its capacity to recover. Forest managers should prioritize minimizing recurrent anthropogenic disturbances as the forest recovers to ensure successful succession and sustainable provision of ecosystem services.


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