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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Kepler’s Conjunction for Two Strong Earthquakes in Türkiye in February 2023

DOI: 10.4236/ojer.2023.122002, PP. 27-43

Keywords: Earthquake, Archimedes Lever, Kepler Conjunction, Inertia, Gravitational Waves, Titius-Bode Law, Interference

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This work is devoted to the study of the relationship between strong earthquakes and planetary configurations using the example of two consecutive strong earthquakes that occurred in Türkiye (Turkey), on February 6, 2023. It is shown that at the time of the earthquakes, linear alignment of the planets along the Jupiter-Venus-Sun line was observed, that is, the astronomical trigger belonged to the generalized Kepler conjunction scheme (gKc), when the Earth does not participate in the linearization scheme. It is shown that for the first earthquake that occurred at 01:17 UTC, the ratio of the distances between Jupiter-Earth and Jupiter-Mars was close to an integer value equal to 5.993. For the second earthquake that occurred on the same day at 10:25 UTC, no integer resonance ratios were detected, however, it was found that the terrestrial e UTC line at the time of the earthquake passed through the position of Mercury. Recall that the 12-hour line of the eUTC chart is always oriented towards the Sun. The conclusions of the work once again confirm the correctness of the theories of Archimedes and Kepler and convince us of the existence of a gravitational phenomenon that does not depend on the distances and masses of planets, has a pronounced inertial and wave character and does not fit into the general theory of relativity, developed in the last century by Albert Einstein.


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