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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Gender Diversity and Employee Performance in the Tanzania Textile Firms

DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2023.112015, PP. 235-254

Keywords: Gender Diversity, Employees’ Performance, Textile Industry and Tanzania

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Employees’ performance is considered to be the lifeline of any organization considering the competitive environment that exists in the today’s business world. One of the factors that can be used to promote employees’ performance is gender diversity. In this regard, many researchers have been attracted to study such relationship. But most prior empirical studies focused on employee’s performance as a single dimensional variable instead of being multidimensional variable. Employees’ performance can be categorized as adaptive, contextual and task performance. In this regard, the article aimed at examining the influence of gender diversity on employees’ performance dimensions. The sample size was 618 whereby 203 respondents were from Dar es Salaam; 173 from Mwanza; 117 from Shinyanga and 125 from Simiyu who were chosen by using multistage sampling technique. In total, 554 respondents filled in and returned the questionnaire which makes the response rate of 89.6%. Mean scores and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used as data analysis techniques. The findings revealed that gender diversity had a statistically significant and positive influence on all employees’ performance dimensions i.e. adaptive, contextual and task performance. Hence, the article recommends that organizations must ensure the appropriate mix of men and women at workplace through engendered recruitment, retention and career development. However, promotion and appointment of the higher positions such as managerial positions should base on the merits of an individuals and not on their gender.


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