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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Impact of Teacher Pay on Teacher Poverty: Teacher Shortage and Economic Concerns

DOI: 10.4236/cus.2023.112015, PP. 289-300

Keywords: Teacher Pay, Teacher Shortage, Housing Costs, Teacher Poverty

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The record number of individuals leaving the teaching profession is well documented. This coupled with the lack of individuals entering the profession has contributed to the creation of a teacher shortage crisis in the United States. Urban, rural, mathematics, science and special education areas have been particularly impacted. Research indicates that issues related to stress, political issues, lack of administrative support and limited resources are implicated factors. In addition to inherent job related stressors, limited pay for teachers extends the stress factors from work to the home by impacting the teachers quality of life. This article will examine the impact of teacher pay on teacher poverty. Factors such as beginning teacher pay, average teacher pay and housing costs will be examined.


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