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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Preliminary Study on Seawater Purification Ability of Sponge Animals in Daya Bay, Huizhou

DOI: 10.12677/AMS.2023.102009, PP. 76-82

Keywords: 大亚湾,海绵动物,水质,净化能力
Daya Bay
, Sponge Animals, Water Quality, Purification Capacity

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Sponge animals have strong filtering ability and have great development potential in purifying polluted water, but there is little research on the pu-rification of water quality by sponge animals in China. In this paper, a preliminary study on the pu-rification of sea water quality was carried out with the sponges of the genus Mycale as the research object. The influence of sponges on the active phosphate (P) and inorganic nitrogen (N) in sea water was studied by using the single factor index method. The sponges resources in Daya Bay of Huizhou City were investigated for the first time. The research shows that sponge animals can reduce the content of inorganic nitrogen in seawater and increase the content of active phosphate, which can effectively improve the nutrient environment of water and reduce the occurrence of red tide; five genera of sponges were collected in the survey, of which the genus Mycale and the genus Callyspon-gia both appeared at the same time in fishing rafts and islands. In the future, the investigation and research will be further strengthened to provide scientific basis for the development and applica-tion of sponges in the Daya Bay area of Huizhou.


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