Equality and access to work are structuring principles of our
constitutional system that aim to guarantee an equal condition in terms of
rights and duties, fulfilling the basis of the social dignity of the human
person. Within the scope of the protection of equality and non-discrimination,
we find harassment, as unwanted behavior, with the aim of affecting that very
dignity of the human person, whose article 1 of the Constitution of the
Portuguese Republic calls for its protection, always based on personality
rights, and it is in this sense that I propose to analyze the other concepts,
causes, subjects, effects and ways to fight and prevent. This investigation
intends to analyze, through a cognitive framework, in a precise and direct way,
the relationship between persecution (determining factor) and intentionality
(conditioning factor), based on the aforementioned concepts and their
relationship with Portuguese jurisprudence, seeking to locate trends and
characterize them, discussing the limits and potential of their effects.
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