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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




California Bearing Ratio for Cohesive Soils from Quasi Static Cone Tests

DOI: 10.4236/ojce.2023.132028, PP. 367-387

Keywords: California Bearing Ratio, Quasi Static Consistency Limits, Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit, Plasticity Index

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The California bearing ratio (CBR) test is the most widely spread method of determining the bearing strength of the pavement material and is fundamental to pavement design practice in most countries. This test is expensive, laborious and time consuming, and to overcome this, Quasi static cone penetrometer machine was fabricated and used to measure the consistency limits (liquid limit-LL, Plastic limit-PL and Plasticity index-PI), which were used to develop an empirical equation to determine CBR. Soil samples were collected and unsoaked CBR, PL, LL and PI were determined according to BS 1377 part 9 and BS 1377-2; 1990. Quasi static penetration forces at 20 mm depth of penetration were also determined at consistency limits. It was found that the force of 1020 gf and 60 gf was achieved at a depth of 20 mm at PI and LL respectively. The correlation and regression analysis between consistency limits, and the experimental CBR obtained showed coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.907 between CBR and all the parameters using multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). The regression equation developed was used together with the relationship developed between the Quasi static Penetration force at consistency limits and the tested consistency limits to come up with the General Empirical Equation. Verification of the formula showed that the correlation can be used accurately to determine the un soaked CBR.


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