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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Dealing with Multicollinearity in Factor Analysis: The Problem, Detections, and Solutions

DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2023.133020, PP. 404-424

Keywords: Multicollinearity, Factor Analysis, Biased Factor Loadings, Unreliable Factor Structure, Reduced Stability, Variance Inflation Factor

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Multicollinearity in factor analysis has negative effects, including unreliable factor structure, inconsistent loadings, inflated standard errors, reduced discriminant validity, and difficulties in interpreting factors. It also leads to reduced stability, hindered factor replication, misinterpretation of factor importance, increased parameter estimation instability, reduced power to detect the true factor structure, compromised model fit indices, and biased factor loadings. Multicollinearity introduces uncertainty, complexity, and limited generalizability, hampering factor analysis. To address multicollinearity, researchers can examine the correlation matrix to identify variables with high correlation coefficients. The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) measures the inflation of regression coefficients due to multicollinearity. Tolerance, the reciprocal of VIF, indicates the proportion of variance in a predictor variable not shared with others. Eigenvalues help assess multicollinearity, with values greater than 1 suggesting the retention of factors. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) reduces dimensionality and identifies highly correlated variables. Other diagnostic measures include the condition number and Cook’s distance. Researchers can center or standardize data, perform variable filtering, use PCA instead of factor analysis, employ factor scores, merge correlated variables, or apply clustering techniques for the solution of the multicollinearity problem. Further research is needed to explore different types of multicollinearity, assess method effectiveness, and investigate the relationship with other factor analysis issues.


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