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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Critical Reflections on the Deconvergence of Information and Communications Technology

DOI: 10.4236/iim.2023.154012, PP. 243-258

Keywords: ICT, Deconvergence, Market Deconvergence, Technological Deconvergence, Audience Deconvergence

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In recent years, information and communications technology (ICT) has gone through a process of convergence due to dynamic marketing and technological development. However, signs of deconvergence have emerged during this ongoing process of ICT convergence, which requires close attention and critical reflection by ICT practitioners and educators. This article seeks to identify and critique the seemingly paradoxical trend of market convergence/deconvergence, technological convergence/deconvergence, and audience convergence/deconvergence in ICT. To achieve this goal, a focus group discussion with eight selected participants was adopted as the research method for this study. The data were then analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. The themes revealed in the focus group discussion not only reflect the trends in ICT convergence but also, from various perspectives, highlight the increasingly obvious phenomena of deconvergence. The findings should inform industrial practitioners about the rapidly changing ICT landscape and shed light on future ICT policy and industry directions.


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