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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Application of Regularized Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network Model for Ozone Classification across El Paso County, Texas, United States

DOI: 10.4236/jdaip.2023.113012, PP. 217-239

Keywords: Machine Learning, Ozone Prediction, Pollutants Forecasting, Atmospheric Monitoring, Air Quality, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network

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This paper focuses on ozone prediction in the atmosphere using a machine learning approach. We utilize air pollutant and meteorological variable datasets from the El Paso area to classify ozone levels as high or low. The LR and ANN algorithms are employed to train the datasets. The models demonstrate a remarkably high classification accuracy of 89.3% in predicting ozone levels on a given day. Evaluation metrics reveal that both the ANN and LR models exhibit accuracies of 89.3% and 88.4%, respectively. Additionally, the AUC values for both models are comparable, with the ANN achieving 95.4% and the LR obtaining 95.2%. The lower the cross-entropy loss (log loss), the higher the model’s accuracy or performance. Our ANN model yields a log loss of 3.74, while the LR model shows a log loss of 6.03. The prediction time for the ANN model is approximately 0.00 seconds, whereas the LR model takes 0.02 seconds. Our odds ratio analysis indicates that features such as “Solar radiation”, “Std. Dev. Wind Direction”, “outdoor temperature”, “dew point temperature”, and “PM10” contribute to high ozone levels in El Paso, Texas. Based on metrics such as accuracy, error rate, log loss, and prediction time, the ANN model proves to be faster and more suitable for ozone classification in the El Paso, Texas area.


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