Statistical comparison of two remediation methods:
Remedial nutrient solution and enhanced natural attenuation were analyzed in
terms of TPH of different soil samples collected from Khana Local Government
Area of Rivers State, Nigeria at different locations and placed inside sample
bottles labelled A to D and replicated into
two, one for each of the above treatment technique. The TPH of the soil
was determined using GC analyzer after solvent extraction was carried out using
hexane/dichloromethane mixture. Three batches of treatment were performed on
the samples at every interval of eight weeks for a duration of six months. The
result obtained was analyzed using a two-way ANOVA factorial experimental
design to test the significance of the various sources of variation. From the
result obtained, source
of variation for sample and interactions
were non-significantly different from each other which means that irrespective of the number of samples analyzed or the combination
of both samples and batches of treatment, they will still not be significantly different from
each other. The source of variation for batch and replications were
significantly different from each other and this means that irrespective of the
batches of treatment applied or the number of replications (methods of
treatment used), they will always be significantly different from each other. The
individual comparison of each sample showed that the efficiency of the Remedial
Nutrient Solution method was better than Enhanced Natural Attenuation method.
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