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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Investment in Generation of Photovoltaic Solar Energy: A Fezsibility Study with Flexibility and Uncertainty

DOI: 10.4236/epe.2023.157012, PP. 241-263

Keywords: Real Options, Self-Generation, Decision Making, Solar Energy, Feasibility of Investment

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The objective of this research will be to calculate the feasibility of investing in a solar energy generation project through the development of a methodology that allows the capture of environmental uncertainties by improving decision making. The article presents a comparative study of the feasibility analysis of investment in a solar mini solar energy for a Shopping, considering a regime of certainty and uncertainty. The assumed stochastic variables were energy tariff and price of solar panels. The trajectories were simulated with the binomial approach that combined resulted in a quadratic diagram. The applied methodology presented the best recommendation and the option to wait was the most valuable. The exchange of the energy obtained from LIGHT by own generation of energy with solar photovoltaic source will be viable for the manager since it observes the behavior of the variables over time and follows the rules of optimal decision.


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