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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Characteristics Evaluation of Modern Bituminous Binders in Group Hydrocarbon Composition and Their Application in Construction

DOI: 10.4236/msa.2023.148026, PP. 407-415

Keywords: Bitumen, Tar, Construction, Waterproofing, Oil Refining, Group Hydrocarbon Composition, Viscosity, Asphaltenes

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The article is the result of theoretical and experimental studies aimed at determining the structural groups of modern bituminous materials in order to assess the raw materials, production technology, rational directions for their use in construction, the road industry and waterproofing. Commercial oil bitumen, raw tars and heavy oil residues (semi-finished products) of oil refineries aimed at meeting large-tonnage needs have been studied. The assessment was carried out according to the group hydrocarbon composition, by liquid chromatography using model compounds. Comparative analysis showed a general trend for all studied samples of petroleum bitumen: low content of asphaltenes (from 3.9 to 23.9 wt.%), low content of resins (from 11 to 19.07 wt%), insufficient for the formation of stable structuring layers, and a significant content of aromatic hydrocarbons, including heavy aromatic compounds (more than 20 wt.%). An assumption was made about the influence of the origin and the structure obtained during the processing of asphaltenes and resins on the transition from one type of bituminous structure to another based on the lyophility of high-molecular group components. A comparative structural characteristic of heavy oil residues from gasoline and oil production is considered in comparison with bitumens of various viscosities. Recommendations are given on the technology of processing petroleum feedstock and the use of heavy oils in order to obtain a given bitumen structure for the production of rational bitumen products for construction and waterproofing.


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