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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Biotechnological Assessment of Suaeda arcuate under in Vitro Conditions

DOI: 10.4236/abb.2023.148023, PP. 359-367

Keywords: Aralkum, Hyperhalophyte, In Vitro, Explant, Sterilization, Seeds, Micropropagation

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This article presents data on the introduction of in vitro culture and microclonal propagation of plants identified in the group of hyperhalophytes belonging to the species Suaeda arcuata Bunge. This study was carried out to optimize the composition of nutrient media for the main stages of reproduction in vitro, as well as studies on the rooting and adaptation of regenerants for species of the genus Suaeda obtained from axillary or apical buds, but more often from stem segments with a node. In this work, hormones of the cytokinin and auxin series, or a combination of them, were added to the nutrient environment for growth activation. The analyzing of microplants for the content of soluble in water B vitamins was carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that intact Suaeda arcuata plants in their natural habitats produce a large amount of soluble in water vitamins: riboflavin—0.062% and thiamine up to 0.006%. And in regenerated plants obtained on media without hormones, the content of vitamins was: B2 0.053%, B1 0%, respectively, and with a combination of 1/2 MS + 1 mg/l 6-BAP + 0.3 mg/l IAA + 2, 4-D, the content of vitamins varied as follows: riboflavin—0.059%, folic acid—0.030%, and thiamine was not detected. The cultivation of regenerates on the environment 1/2 MS + 1 mg/l 6-BAP + 0.3 mg/l IAA + 2,4-D showed the best effect on the growth of regenerants, created the possibility of obtaining the maximum amount of biomass and accumulation of B vitamins.


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