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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Nuclear Force is the Manifestation of Gravitation at Microscopic Distances

DOI: 10.12677/MP.2023.135012, PP. 113-124

Keywords: 核力,引力,电磁力,Nuclear Force, Gravitation, Electromagnetic Force

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In this paper, through the analysis of the nature of photons and the properties of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in the nucleus, it is believed that photons are a kind of negatively charged particles (propagators). Protons in the nucleus will not emit photons. Electromagnetic repulsion will be generated; gravitation is formed by the exchange of gravitations between nucleons, and the performance of gravitation in the nucleus fully meets the requirements of nuclear force. The gravitation energy waves formed by graviton transmission and the maximum energy transmitted by nuclear resonance are calculated in this paper. The energy transmitted by nucleons over a microscopic distance shows that the energy of gravitations exchanged between nucleons can completely cover the binding energy between nucleons. This paper believes that nuclear force (the binding force be-tween nucleons) is gravitation.


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