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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Framework for Mainstreaming Climate Change into African Blue Economy Strategies to Enhance Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resilience in Sustainable Development

DOI: 10.4236/ajcc.2023.123018, PP. 376-404

Keywords: Climate Change, Blue Economy, Adaptation, Mitigation, Resiliency

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This article outlines a framework for mainstreaming climate change into African blue economy Strategies. We underscore that the proliferation of the blue economy in climate change has gained momentum, however, there remains no standardized approach, mechanism or framework for mainstreaming and integrating climate change into blue economy. The economic pillars of economic development, social equity, and environmental management, conservation and sustainability are at the center of the blue economy frontier. The surrounding blue economy components have led to discrepancies in how the blue economy is mainstreamed, integrated, implemented and what is prioritized on agile basis. This article takes a continental overview of current approaches to regional and national levels of blue economy realignment. In doing so this article provides the continental, regional and national assessments of blue economy implementation approaches, through the development of a stepwise innovative process. Using the available literature, data and information from blue economy strategies and other publicly available online information, we analyzed each region and national blue economy strategies to assess the levels of blue economy components mainstreamed into climate change. Throughout this article we outline the methodological approach we took in order to develop a stepwise process innovation for mainstreaming climate change into blue economy at national and regional levels This approach will allow for ongoing and continued mainstreaming and integrating of climate change into blue economy realignment, operationalization and implementation as the concept of blue economy continues to evolve. The approach entails a collective action process for an informed decision making to direct, guide and inform actions for climate change that will effectively and efficiently enhance adaptation, mitigation and resiliency anchored to sustainable development. It establishes linkages to blue economy strategies through an integrated approach. The article addresses the question “How does mainstreaming climate change into African blue economy strategies contribute to achieving sustainable development?” The methodology is based on desk-top study and literature review. This explores the process of mainstreaming, drawing on the countries and regional blue economy strategies, that have made progress in development of blue economy strategies, plans, guidelines and frameworks for governance coordination mechanism. In conclusion, the article states that mainstreaming climate change in Africa reflects a


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