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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Investigating How Parental Perceptions of Cybersecurity Influence Children’s Safety in the Cyber World: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.4236/iim.2023.155017, PP. 350-372

Keywords: E-Learning, Cybersecurity, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Vision 2030, Cybersecurity Awareness, Parenting in Cyber Era, Adolescence

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This paper explores the convergence of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 with the increasing dependence on the Internet for educational purposes. It sheds light on the potential cybersecurity risks and how parental perception impacts children’s willingness to adapt cybersecurity features. By instilling the significance of cybersecurity awareness in early stages, society can provide children with the necessary skills to navigate the digital realm responsibly. As we progress, ongoing research and collaborative endeavors will be pivotal in formulating effective strategies to shield the digital generation from the potential pitfalls of the virtual realm. Regular Internet usage is essential for various purposes such as communication, education, and leisure. The cohorts of Generation Z and Alpha were born during a period of exponential Internet growth, leading them to heavily engage with the Internet. Consequently, they are equally vulnerable to cybersecurity threats just like adults. Addressing potential security risks for today’s youth becomes the responsibility of parents as the primary line of defense. This research focuses on raising awareness about the imperative of ensuring children’s safety in the online sphere, particularly by their parents. The study is conducted within the specific context of Saudi Arabia, aiming to examine how Saudi parents’ perception of cybersecurity influences their children’s cyber safety. The study identifies critical factors, including attitudes towards cybersecurity, awareness of cybersecurity, and prevailing social norms regarding cybersecurity. These factors contribute to the development of parents’ intention to prioritize cybersecurity, which consequently affects their children’s behaviors in the digital realm. Utilizing a quantitative approach based on a questionnaire, the study employs a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) framework to analyze the collected data. The study’s findings underscore that parents’ intent towards cybersecurity plays a significant role in shaping their children’s behavior concerning cyber safety.


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