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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Impact of Water Deterioration on Growth Indices and Meat Quality of Tilapia zillii and Solea aegyptiaca Fish Inhabiting Lake Qaroun, Egypt

DOI: 10.4236/nr.2023.149010, PP. 135-148

Keywords: Lake Qaroun, T. zillii, S. aegyptiaca, Condition Factor, Meat Qualit

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The present work studies water deterioration, fish survival and production as a result of effluents discharged directly without prior treatments into lake Qaroun at Fayoum governorate, Egypt. Lake Qaroun represents heavily polluted wild habitat for both studied fish species, Tilapia zillii and Solea aegyptiaca, the most abundant species. Results revealed deterioration in water quality (low dissolved oxygen but high ammonia, nitrite, copper, lead and cadmium) of Northeastern sector where El-Bats drain discharge its effluents without prior treatment followed by that of eastern sector at four km from the point of El-Bats discharge. Water salinity and dissolved oxygen values were in the following order: Western lake Qaroun sector > Eastern lake Qaroun sector > Northeastern lake Qaroun sector. However, Ammonia and nitrite readings were in the following order: Northeastern sector of Lake Qaroun is followed by the Eastern sector, then the Western sector. Moreover, results of the present field study revealed a decrease in fish production with the lowest condition factor and a deterioration in meat quality (an increase in muscle water content and ash but a decrease total protein and total lipids) in case of fish collected from the polluted sites along the lake (Northeastern and eastern sectors). However, fish collected from the unpolluted western sector of the lake showed condition factor and chemical muscle composition more or less similar to normal healthy fish.


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