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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Discussion on Sources and Pollution Control Measures of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (Salt) in the Environment

DOI: 10.12677/WPT.2023.114012, PP. 91-98

Keywords: 全氟辛酸(盐) (PFOA),来源与途径,环境基准,PFOA替代品,污染治理与修复
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (Salt) (PFOA)
, Sources and Pathways, Environmental Criteria, Substitutes of PFOA, Pollution Control and Remediation

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全氟辛酸(盐) (PFOA)广泛应用于含氟聚合物的合成以及织物整理领域,是存在于环境介质中最典型的全氟化合物。本文在介绍国内外对全氟辛酸(盐)管控要求的基础上,分析了环境中全氟辛酸(盐)的主要来源和迁移途径。本文着重从制定全氟辛酸(盐)环境基准体系、全氟辛酸(盐)替代品的开发应用以及污染治理和修复技术等方面提出了控制环境中全氟辛酸(盐)污染的对策与建议。
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (salt) (PFOA) is widely applied in fluoropolymeric synthesis and fabric finishing fields and is the most characteristic pollutant present in environmental mediums. In this paper, based on the introduction of the control requirements of PFOA at home and abroad, the main sources and transport pathways of PFOA in the environment are analyzed. Furthermore, the countermeasures and suggestions are proposed in terms of the establishment of environmental criteria system, the development and application of substitutes of PFOA, and pollution control and remediation techniques in order to control the pollution of PFOA in the environment.


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