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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Indigenous Breeding Practices in Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) as Influenced by Plumage Features in Northern Cameroon

DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2023.134032, PP. 443-457

Keywords: Indigenous Breeding, Guinea Fowl, Plumage Features

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The objective of this work was to draw up an inventory of environmental and anthropogenic factors linked to indigenous breeding practices of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) influenced by plumage characteristics. The information was collected using the snowball technique and using a formal questionnaire developed (AU-IBAR, 2015). The dominant plumage is pearl gray with a frequency of 38.89% followed by black (13.85%). In total, 154 adult animals were lost by operators with a frequency of 22.95%. According to plumage, white comes first with a frequency of 51.61% followed by Lavender plumage (36.58%). Predation is the major constraint with a frequency of 35.72%. The guinea fowl most targeted by predators are the white guinea fowl with a frequency of 56.25%, while predation is low for black plumage (25%), royal purple (33.34) and pearl gray (34.69). The pearl gray guinea fowl and the royal purple guinea fowl appear to have a more developed wild instinct, which explains the frequency of recorded escapes. White plumage is perceived as being more docile during breeding and tends to exhibit better resistance to heat stress compared to other phenotypes, making it more valued for traditional rituals. Dark plumage seems more sought after in breeding for its supposed prolificacy, its resistance to infections and its weight. According to breeders, the


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