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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Realistic Challenges and Implementation Paths for the Development of Digital Trade in China

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2023.114014, PP. 128-140

Keywords: 数字贸易,发展特点,现实挑战,实施路径
Digital Trade
, Development Characteristics, Realistic Challenges, Implementation Path

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Digital technology empowers countries’ foreign trade and business activities, and digital trade has increasingly become a new driving force for the high-quality development of international trade. Despite the vigorous development of digital trade in China, there are still many practical problems and challenges in the high-quality development of digital trade due to the impact of its own development status, rule governance and domestic and foreign environments. For the realistic problem in the development of china’s digital trade, we should promote the innovation and application of digital technology and solve the “choke point” problem of key core technologies. We should accelerate the digital transformation of traditional industries and foster new forms and models of digital trade in China. We should improve the intellectual property protection system and improve the governance level of the data factor market. We should actively participate in the negotiation of international digital trade rules and build a “China plan” for digital trade rules. We need to create a digital free trade pilot zone and reshape China’s new advantages of high-level openness. Provide implementation paths to promote the high-level development of China’s digital trade.


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