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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




“stppSim”: A Novel Analytical Tool for Creating Synthetic Spatio-Temporal Point Data

DOI: 10.4236/ojmsi.2023.114007, PP. 99-116

Keywords: Open-Source, Synthetic Data, Crime, Spatio-Temporal Patterns, Data Privacy

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In crime science, understanding the dynamics and interactions between crime events is crucial for comprehending the underlying factors that drive their occurrences. Nonetheless, gaining access to detailed spatiotemporal crime records from law enforcement faces significant challenges due to confidentiality concerns. In response to these challenges, this paper introduces an innovative analytical tool named “stppSim,” designed to synthesize fine-grained spatiotemporal point records while safeguarding the privacy of individual locations. By utilizing the open-source R platform, this tool ensures easy accessibility for researchers, facilitating download, re-use, and potential advancements in various research domains beyond crime science.


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