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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Influence Analysis of AIGC Based on LDA Topic Model

DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2023.134035, PP. 366-375

Keywords: ChatGPT,LDA模型,人工智能内容生成,热点分析
, LDA Model, Artificial Intelligence Generation Content, Hot Spot Analysis

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The emergence of ChatGPT has led the rapid penetration of generative AI into all aspects of people’s production and life, so it is very important to understand the development trend and future direction of artificial intelligence content generation. Based on grabbing the text content of artificial intelligence content generation collected on Weibo platform, jieba segmentation is first used for text pre-processing, and seven hot topics in the field of artificial intelligence content generation are obtained by LDA topic model, including: Artificial intelligence concept stocks, intelligent digital con-tent creation, technology stock investment trends under the digital economy, breakthroughs in natural language technology, etc. The research reveals the current public opinion hot spots of AIGC, which is helpful for relevant personnel to grasp the development status of the field of generative AI and provide reference for the future application of artificial intelligence.


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