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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Impact of Persistent Shortfall in Innovation Performance Aspiration on the R&D Internationalization—The Moderating Role of Internal Control and Environmental Uncertainty

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2023.114016, PP. 155-168

Keywords: 持续创新绩效期望落差,研发国际化,内部控制,环境不确定性
Persistent Shortfall In Innovation Performance Aspiration
, R&D Internationalization, Internal Control, Environmental Uncertainty

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R&D internationalization is of great value in enhancing firms’ innovation capabilities and competitive advantages and a large number of firms have searched for strategic innovation resources globally through cross-border R&D mergers and acquisitions or technology alliances and other collaborative approaches. However, the R&D internationalization in most Chinese companies is still at a rudimentary stage, and the contribution of R&D internationalization to firms’ innovation are poor. It has been pointed out that the shortfall in innovation performance aspiration is an important influencing factor for firms’ R&D internationalization decisions, with the goal of improving R&D internationalization performance, further research is needed to investigate how different types of the shortfall in innovation performance aspiration affect firms’ R&D internationalization. Based on firm behavior theory and prospect theory, this paper explores the antecedent variables of R&D internationalization, investigates the moderating role of internal control and environmental uncertainty in the relationship between the persistent shortfall in innovation performance aspiration and R&D internationalization based on different levels of aspirations, and uses a sample consisting of A-share listed firms from 2010 to 2021 to conduct the research. This paper obtained the following conclusions. Firstly, distinguishing the types of R&D internationalization, When the gap between historical aspiration of innovation performance continues to deepen, exploitative R&D internationalization increases and then decreases, and exploratory R&D internationalization continues to increase; when the gap between industry aspiration of innovation performance continues to deepen, exploitative R&D internationalization decreases and then increases, and exploratory R&D internationalization continues to shrink. Secondly, distinguishing the internal control situations, firms exhibit the attribute of innovation preference; distinguishing the environmental uncertainty


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