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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Morphometric Assessment of Common Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) in Cameroon

DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2023.134034, PP. 478-495

Keywords: Genetic Diversity, Measurement, Guinea Fowl, Cameroon

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A survey was conducted in the Sudano-Sahelian, High Savannah, and Western Highlands agroecological zones of Cameroon to assess the morphometric features and to determine the population structure of the native common guinea fowl breed. A total of 1021 adult common guinea fowls were sampled in the dominant pastoral production system. The main results showed that there was a phenotypic variability (p < 0.01) of the morphometric characteristics of common guinea fowls with a dominance of pearl gray coloring of the plumage (23.02%), bluish red barbels (29.09%), black eyes (36.04%) and tarsi (39.18%). The development of the barbels and the shape of the comb are determinants of the sex (p < 0.01), as well as the live weight which presents a dimorphism in favor of the females (p < 0.01). The average measurements (in cm) were: Crest height (2.07 ± 0.03), Crest length (2.79 ± 0.03), Barbel length (3.35 ± 0.04), Barbel height (2.28 ± 0.02), Spout length (2.11 ± 0.01), Caruncle length (0.69 ± 0.01), Baleen length (4.32 ± 0.04), Chest circumference (31.81 ± 0.99), Wing length (25.99 ± 0.18), wingspan (41.82 ± 0.32), Thigh diameter (9.17 ± 0.10), Thigh length (11.30 ± 0.07), Tarsus length (6.62 ± 0.04), Tarsus diameter (1.20 ± 0.07), Body length (40.13 ± 0.15), and Live weight (1.68 ± 0.02 kg). The highest positive correlation (r < 0.70) was observed between thigh and ridge length. The PCR revealed that three (3) components (F1, F2 and F3) make it possible to better explain phenotypic variability (50.21%). The variables that contributed most to the explanation of the observed total variability are the length of the crest (0.70%), the beak (0.61%), the wattle (0.70%), the body (0.44%), the wing (0.35%), thigh (0.68%), tarsus (0.29%) and wing span (0.41%) for the main component F1 while the F2 and F3 components mainly concern the length of the barbel (0.43%) and the height of the crest (0.48%) respectively. The F1 factor constitutes the most discriminating variable (89.40%). The AFD and the CAH made it possible to detect 03 sub-populations (T1, T2, and T3) which can be grouped into 2 subgroups on the


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