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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Women’s Co-Optation in Institutions: Promoting Values of Equity and Equal Opportunity Tested in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2023.134031, PP. 522-540

Keywords: Co-Option, Public Institution, Equity, Equality

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This article is the result of a study carried out among civil society actors and civil servants in South Kivu, North Kivu, and Maniema who are advocating for equality and equity for all people. The co-optation of women into the institutions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is examined. This study examined obstacles to the values of equity and equality of human rights. It further explored women’s competences, capacities, skills and the need for them to enjoy the same legal advantages as other citizens. Although women’s rights are in principle guaranteed and protected by international, regional, sub-regional, and national legal instruments, it is observed that they are subject to co-optation for their representation and exercise their right to work. To have a balanced world, equality between the sexes is a right, and realizing it benefits not only women, but also the entire human race. Finding the contributing variables to the co-optation of women in state institutions is the study’s main goal. To analyze them, and propose ways to improve the application of equity, and respect for human rights are all fundamental human values. To do this, we proposed an online questionnaire through the Google Form tool. Out of the 70 respondents identified, 58 responded favorably. Most of them are former academics and civil servants. At the end of the survey, it was noted that despite all the legal provisions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the participation of women in public institutions is low. Our study revealed that, of the five main public structures of the state that we identified, the participation rate of women is decreasing. It ranges from 36.2% in provincial divisions, 31% in health care facilities, 2.6% of women in universities, and 1.5% of women in primary and secondary schools. Our study reveals that eleven governments have been in office from 5 February 2007 to 31 December 2022. The average representation of women in government is 12.9%. It has gone from 9% in 2007 to 12.9% in 2021. This


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