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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experience and Value of “Flow” Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Device and Behaviour Therapy Training Software Application at Home for Symptoms of Depression

DOI: 10.4236/ojd.2023.124007, PP. 65-86

Keywords: Depression, Primary Care, General Practice, Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

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Background: Flow FL-100 is a self-administered transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) device used in combination with a software application delivered well-being behaviour therapy training, which has evidence of effectiveness in treating symptoms of depression. In this study, the combined Flow FL-100 and well-being behaviour therapy training app, an intervention known as “Flow”, was offered by a participant’s general practitioner (GP) in a United Kingdom (UK) primary care setting to those who experienced depressive symptoms. Participants completed six weeks of use of Flow. This study explored participants’ experiences and views on the feasibility, acceptability, useability, and value of Flow. Methods: A qualitative approach was employed, involving in-depth semi-structured interviews. Thematic and content analyses were applied. Out of a sample of 47 participants using Flow, 18 participants consented to be interviewed. The age range of the participants was 23 - 75 years (M = 52.78, SD = 16.27); 10 (55.6%) were female and 8 (44.4%) male. Results: There was support for the feasibility, acceptability, useability and value of combined Flow FL-100 and well-being behaviour therapy training. Most participants described a positive impact on depressive symptoms, sleep, and functioning. Findings provide support for the approach of delivering together both tDCS and evidence-backed well-being behaviour therapy training. Conclusion: Flow has been successfully integrated into a primary care service depression treatment. It is important to offer patients an evidence-based alternative to existing depression treatments (anti-depressant medication and talking therapies). The results support the use of Flow as a treatment option for people with symptoms of


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