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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Compressed H3S: Fits to the Empirical Hc2(T) Data and a Discussion of the Meissner Effect

DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2023.134008, PP. 111-127

Keywords: Compressed H3S, Upper and Lower Critical Fields, Chemical Potential, Generalized Pairing and Number Equations, Coherence Length, Penetration Depth, Meissner Effect

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Based on μ-, T- and H-dependent pairing and number equations and the premise that μ(T) is predominantly the cause of the variation of the upper critical field Hc2(T), where μ, T and H denote the chemical potential, temperature and the applied field, respectively, we provide in this paper fits to the empirical Hc2(T) data of H3S reported by Mozaffari, et al. (2019) and deal with the issue of whether or not H3S exhibits the Meissner effect. Employing a variant of the template given by Dogan and Cohen (2021), we examine in detail the results of Hirsch and Marsiglio (2022) who have claimed that H3S does not exhibit the Meissner effect and Minkov, et al. (2023) who have claimed that it does. We are thus led to suggest that monitoring the chemical potential (equivalently, the number density of Cooper pairs Ns at T = Tc) should shed new light on the issue being addressed.


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