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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Correlation Analysis between Ethnic Diversity and Success Rate on a Massive Repository of Movies Data Set and the Board of Directors of Fortune 500 in Terms of Net Sales and Gross Profit

DOI: 10.4236/jdaip.2023.114024, PP. 463-479

Keywords: Diversity, Ethnicity, Repository

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In contemporary workplace, organizations are emphasizing on individual’s diversity and inclusion initiatives in order to reinforce managerial adaptability, increase competitive advantage and decrease legal risks. Nonetheless, in recent times, there has arisen a debate on whether diversity is a variable that has an immediate effect on success or not. This study focused on determining if diversity in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, etc., has effects on success, by investigating two different data sets; the first one is a massive repository of movies data set and actors to determine if there is a correlation between multiple movie related variables and box office earnings. While the second data focused on Fortunes top 500 companies in the United States (US) vs. 500 less profitable companies in the US. Moreover, the study explores how diversity among Board of Directors (BOD) of fortune 500 companies affects the net sales and gross profits. The movie data set was collected from two main websites; Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and Rotten Tomatoes (RT), the imdb data set contained 107,645 records, while as the rotten tomatoes contained 13,904 records. In addition, information about Fortunes 500 companies was obtained from various websites manually, as immediate data sets were hard to find since it’s the first study that focuses on diversity and success of fortune companies. The data set contained data of fortunes top 500 companies with information of all of its BOD about 5358 records, and less profitable companies of 4434 records. The reason in which these data sets were chosen was to study the ethnic diversity factor and its impact on success rate, and also due to the fact that IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes are the most recognized websites that provide access to a massive repository of movie data sets. While the fortune company’s data set was chosen to demonstrate diversity in the chosen dataset where one was for movies and the other was enterprise based. Furthermore, the data was analyzed in python to establish the relationship between the various


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