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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Education: Analysing the Practices, Issues and Challenges

DOI: 10.4236/ojer.2023.124008, PP. 198-222

Keywords: DRR Education, Education Governance, Participation, Ownership

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This article draws from detailed qualitative case studies of three schools as they responded to the devastating Gorakha earthquake in 2015 and other disasters in Nepal. Using Arnstein’s [1] ladder of participation, it explores nature and importance of participation to address the local disaster context. Along with Robertson et al.’s [2] pluri-scalar education governance framework, it also discusses the current forms of participation from various stakeholders specifically within the education system. The article analyses the reasons for stakeholders’ participation in DRR initiatives. It also explains the purpose of the participation, challenges of participation in DRR education, and highlights some key messages around what the study’s data says about participation in DRR education. The article concludes with the idea that curriculum participation is a crucial element to mobilise schools for their disaster preparedness, response and recovery journeys.


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