It is a fact that imaginary numbers do not have practical significance. But the role of imaginary numbers is very broad and enormous, due to the existence of Euler’s formula. Due to Euler’s formula, imaginary numbers have been applied in many theoretical theories. One of the biggest functions of imaginary numbers is to represent changes in phase, which is indispensable in signal analysis theory. The imaginary numbers in quantum mechanics pose a greater mystery: do the imaginary numbers really exist? This question still needs further scientific development to be answered.
Sullivan, D. (1982) Disjoint Spheres, Approximation by Imaginary Quadratic Numbers, and the Logarithm Law for Geodesics. Acta Mathematica, 149, 215-237.
Antonov, A.A. (2014) Correction of the Special Theory of Relativity: Physical Reality and Nature of Imaginary and Complex Numbers. American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 5, 40-52.
Zazkis, D. and Zazkis, R. (2014) Script Writing in the Mathematics Classroom: Imaginary Conversations on the Structure of Numbers. Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 54-70.
Byeon, D. and Lee, S. (2008) Divisibility of Class Numbers of Imaginary Quadratic Fields Whose Discriminant Has Only Two Prime Factors. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A Mathematical Sciences, 84, 8-10.
Villeda, J.G. (2021) A Computable Formula for the Class Number of the Imaginary Quadratic Field . Electronic Research Archive, 29, 3853-3865.
Barth, H.G. (2020) The Quantum Astrologer’s Handbook: A History of the Renaissance Mathematics That Birthed Imaginary Numbers, Probability, and the New Physics of the Universe. Isis: An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences, 111, 874-875.
Kohnen, W. and Ono, K. (1999) Indivisibility of Class Numbers of Imaginary Quadratic Fields and Orders of Tate-Shafarevich Groups of Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication. Inventiones Mathematicae, 135, 387-398.