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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Advances in the Function and Properties of Laccase and Its Microbial Production

DOI: 10.12677/AMB.2023.124014, PP. 121-129

Keywords: 漆酶,酶学特征,微生物法,生物修复工程
, Enzymatic Characteristics, Microbial Method, Bioremediation Engineering

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Laccase is a class of copper-containing polyphenol oxidases capable of degrading biogenic amines, lignin and a variety of phenolics, with a wide range of applications in bioassay, food industry and wastewater treatment. This paper first reviews the enzymatic properties of laccase and describes its biological functions and applications, then analyses the differences in species and enzymatic properties of laccase-producing microorganisms. Finally, it summarizes the research progress on laccase production by microorganisms, which lays the foundation for the next research on environmental applications such as laccase-based bioremediation engineering.


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