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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Effects of Tecartherapy on Body Tissue: A Systematic Review

DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2023.1610010, PP. 133-148

Keywords: CRET, Electrical Transfer, Diathermy, Capacitive-Resistive

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Electrophysical devices based on diathermy are one of the modalities used by many professionals to treat pain. The objective of this study was to identify the effects of Tecartherapy on healthy and unhealthy tissues. A systematic review of Tecartherapy technology was carried out. Articles published up to the year 2023 were investigated. The search argument used was “Capacitive-resistive electrical transfer” OR “Tecar” OR “Therapy Tecar” OR “CRET” in the BVS, Cochrane, PEDro, PubMed, IEEE Explore databases, Scielo and Web of Science. As for the main results of using Tecartherapy, there is an increase in temperature. In healthy tissues there is an increase in local blood flow, a decrease in muscle fatigue and an increase in muscle flexibility. In addition to the effects observed on healthy tissues, pain reduction and improved joint function were also observed. It was concluded that this technology has similar effects to other diathermy, but Tecartherapy proved to be safer and more comfortable.


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