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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Study on the Application of Motivation Theory in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141001, PP. 1-7

Keywords: 激励理论,思想政治教育,方法途径
Motivation Theory
, Ideological and Political Education, Methodological Approach

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Motivation theory belongs to a kind of theory in psychology, which is a kind of psychological behav-ioral process by stimulating people’s intrinsic motivation and letting people’s behavior move for-ward towards their ideal. Ideological and political education in colleges and universities is a work about educating people’s thoughts and cultivating correct values. The use of motivation theory in the ideological and political education of college students can solve the psychological problems of students, tap the potential of students, and improve the effectiveness of ideological and political teaching. However, there are a series of problems in the application of motivation theory in ideolog-ical and political education in colleges and universities. This paper puts forward the solutions to the problems of insufficient application of motivation theory in colleges and universities by enhancing the ability of ideological and political educators, comprehensively and accurately grasping the mul-tilevel needs of college students, appropriately applying diversified motivation methods, and opti-mizing the environment of motivation education.


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