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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Multidimensional Analysis on Promoting National Security Education in Primary Schools in the New Era

DOI: 10.12677/AE.2024.141014, PP. 85-91

Keywords: 小学,国家安全教育,新时代
Primary School
, National Security Education, New Era

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National security is the basic interest of any sovereign state, and national security education is an important cornerstone for safeguarding the country and securing the people. Traditional security challenges and non-traditional security challenges are intertwined, and various threats and securi-ty problems are increasingly prominent. Promoting national security education is an inevitable re-quirement for national development in the new era. National security education is an important means to implement the educational goal of cultivating people, practice the overall national securi-ty concept, promote the all-round development of young people, and train socialist builders and successors. Primary school is a key stage for the cultivation of life values and the formation of con-sciousness, as well as an important period for national security education. Discussing how to opti-mize the implementation path of national security education in primary school from the three dimensions of school, teachers and society is of great significance for comprehensively improving the quality of national security education in primary school.


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