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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Protection of Public Personal Information from the Perspective of Criminal Law

DOI: 10.12677/DS.2024.101013, PP. 92-98

Keywords: 个人信息,已公开信息,个人信息合理使用,情急脉络完整性理论
Personal Information
, Publicly Available Information, Reasonable Use of Personal Information, The Completeness Theory of Emotional Urgency

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Public personal information is an important currency in the digital age. However, there are currently a large number of violations of citizens’ information rights, but judicial practice departments are unable to focus on cracking down on them. The interpretation deviation of the “consent of the collected” clause and the excessive reliance on the “second authorization” rule due to the adherence to “informed consent” are the reasons for this dilemma. In essence, it is the negative impact caused by the lagging criminal legislation. This article takes this as a problem-oriented approach, deeply grasps the principle of the unity of legal order, and combines the pre existing law to effectively limit the “informed consent rule”. The “reasonable processing” principle is used as a guiding principle to regulate the behavior of “selling and providing public personal information without consent”. Based on the “completeness of the context” theory, a path is constructed to judge the “reasonable” standard in two forms: personal self disclosure and other legally disclosed forms, to be helpful for future criminal legislation and justice.


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