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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study of the Constraints of Millet Production (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) and the Peasant Perception of Biological Control in the Tahoua Region

DOI: 10.4236/as.2024.151001, PP. 1-14

Keywords: Biological Control, Ear Miner, Millet

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Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is the Sahelian crop par excellence due to its adaptation to the particular production conditions in this region. Unfortunately, in recent years this crop has been threatened by very strong parasitic pressure and drought during the production period. The objective of this study is to analyze the main constraints of millet production and the solutions known to producers. A survey was carried out in November 2022 with a sample of 298 producers in five municipalities in the Tahoua region. The main constraints are drought and pressure from crop pests (locust, millet ear miner, floricultural insects) according to 57.9% of respondents. The millet ear miner is the most formidable pest according to 55% of respondents. Thus, the average yield obtained in a year of good production without the leafminer is 194 kg/ha and that obtained in a year of millet ear leafminer is around 27 kg to 43 kg/ha depending on the municipality. The yield obtained this last campaign after the attack of this leafminer varies from 64 to 77 kg/ha depending on the municipalities compared to a potential yield of over 1000 kg/ha. More than half of producers (58.1%) are unaware of the existence of biological control compared to only 12.5% who are aware of this alternative method. Work to popularize this technology is necessary in the five municipalities and the entire region in general.


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